New conversion dictionary.
Fixed some bugs.
Fixed the bug where the navigation bar unexpectedly hides the keyboard.
Fixed some bugs.
New conversion dictionary.
Added the preference for clear-key.
Enabled to import the user dictionary of Windows Microsoft IME.
Added the feature to delete all clipboard history.
Improved the conversion.
Fixed some bugs.
New conversion dictionary.
Delete-all key got be to the last punctuation.
Improved the conversion.
Fixed some bugs.
New conversion dictionary.
Delete-all key got be to the last punctuation.
Improved the conversion.
Fixed some bugs.
New conversion dictionary.
Delete-all key got be to the last punctuation.
Improved the conversion.
Fixed some bugs.
New conversion dictionary.
Improved the conversion.
Added mathematical alphabets.
Fixed the bug where a video cannot be saved into my theme.
New conversion dictionary.
Fixed some bugs.
Fixed the bug where some emoji cannot be registered in the user dictionary.
Fixed the bug where parentheses cannot be inputted on a specific app.
Improved memory consumption.
New conversion dictionary.
Fixed some bugs.
Fixed the bug where some emoji cannot be registered in the user dictionary.
Fixed the bug where parentheses cannot be inputted on a specific app.
New emoji.
Improved importing Gboard dictionary.
Improved learning feature.
New conversion dictionary.
Fixed some bugs.
New conversion dictionary.
Adjustment for the battery consumption issue on specific devices.
Fixed some bugs.
Amended the favorite emoticon conversion.
Fixed the crash on the user dictionary tool.
New conversion dictionary.
Fixed some bugs.
Fixed a bug that rejects any number input on an app.
New conversion dictionary.
Fixed some bugs.
Fixed the slipped down keyboard on Android ⩽ 6 devices.
Fixed the crash on Android ⩽ 5 devices.
New conversion dictionary.
Added new emoji.??
New clipboard feature.
Improved unexpected candidate concatenations.
New conversion dictionary.
Fixed instability on a candidate long-press.
Improved stability.
Supported Unicode Emoji 13.1.
Removed carrier emoji tab on the unsupported devices.
New conversion dictionary.
Avoided the problem about input emoji.
Fixed the bug in which a background video cannot be displayed.
Fixed some bugs.
Floating mode.
Avoided a bug on some apps.
Improved conversion.
New conversion dictionary.
Fixed the invisible candidate for hardware keyboards.
Fixed some bugs.
Adjustment about learning.
Floating mode.
Avoided a bug on some apps.
Improved conversion.
New conversion dictionary.
Fixed the invisible candidate for hardware keyboards.
Fixed some bugs.
Improved conversions of Arabic numerals.
Improved stability and battery usage.
Fixed some bugs.
New conversion dictionary.
Added color themes.
Dark mode.
Improved stability and battery usage.
Fixed some bugs.
New conversion dictionary.
Improved conversion.
Sorted the user dictionary.
Improved stability.
Improved the battery usage.
Fixed the crash on the user dictionary.
Improved verbs conversion.
Fixed bugs on Android 11.
Avoided that Twitter buttons do not work.
Fixed the crash on some devices.
Fixed some bugs.
New emoji for Android 11.
New user dictionary import.
Improved responses.
Adjustments for Android 10.
Fixed some bugs.
New conversion dictionary.
Adjustment for unreachability.
Improved launch speed.
User dictionary menu was moved.
Fixed the bug about the delete candidate history button.
Fixed the bug which hides the candidate view on full screen mode.
Fixed the issue that the candidate is changed unexpectedly.
Fixed some bugs.
New conversion dictionary.
Adjustment for unreachability.
Improved launch speed.
User dictionary menu was moved.
Fixed the bug about the delete candidate history button.
Fixed the bug which hides the candidate view on full screen mode.
Fixed the issue that the candidate is changed unexpectedly.
Fixed some bugs.
New conversion dictionary.
Adjustment for unreachability.
Improved stability.
Improved accessibility.
Fixed a bit of appearance.
Fixed some bugs.
New conversion dictionary.
Return key icons for input field type.
Adjustment for some devices which cannot connect.
Fixed the issue that prevents from registering some characters on dictionary tool.
Fixed the bug that prevents communications.
New screen to confirm logged-in user account.
Narrower keyboard height.
Prefer half width candidates consist of alphabet and number
New emoji for Android 10.
Decreased memory and battery consumption.
Adjustment for stability.
Fix a bit of appearance.
Fixed some bugs.
New conversion dictionary.
Enabled the user dictionary in the incognito mode.
Fixed the bug which makes impossible to login.
Fixed the bug which freezes app on delete the candidates.
New conversion dictionary.
Adjustment to research the cause of bugs.
Fixed the bug not to crash on Android 9.0.
Fixed the bug to crash on Android 4.4.
Fixed the bug not to work on landscape.
Adjustment to prefer half-width to full width.
Fixed the bug that emoticon view does not work on Evernote.
Fixed some bugs.
App size reduced.
12 keys for number input is selectable when QWERTY layout is used.
Fixed the problem, which blocks searching emoticons.
Fixed some bugs.
Adjust the issue which hides the candidate view unexpectedly.
Improve the launch speed.
New Japanese era name "Reiwa".
Fixed the bug favorite emoticons cannot be converted.
Improvement for stability.
Fixed some bugs.
New conversion dictionary.
Adjust layout.
Fixed the problem which sometimes causes crashes on Video background.
Fixed the bug which hides the input area on instagram.
Fixed the bug which hides the input area on the registration of dictionary tool.
Adjustment for stability and battery.
Some bugs are fixed.
New no frame themes.
Improvement for battery comsumption.
New conversion dictionary.
Fixed the issue that there are not some emoji in some devices.
New brown text colors of themes.
Improvement for the accessibility of internet candidates background color.
Fixed the bug which makes impossible to use full-screen-mode on some apps.
Fixed the bug which makes impossible to search for themes on some devices.
New conversion dictionary.
Fixed the bug about writing user dictionary.
Fixed the bug about importing the written-out user dictionary.
Fixed the bug, which commits a first letter unexpectedly.
New conversion dictionary.
Fixed some bugs.
Fixed the bug which freezes on the search of themes.
Fixed the bug which disable to type a comment for facebook live.
Line break was enabled for Google Allo and hangouts.
Fixed the bug which makes impossible to input numbers at Xperia timer app.
Fixed the bug which disables hardware keyboard input on WorkFlowy and HandyFlowy.
Saving into My Theme for videos became possible way.
Background video from a video web site.
New conversion dictionary.
New key top color.
Fixed some bugs.
Fixed the bug which occupies too much candidate space in landscape mode with internet conversion.Left flick of space key for half width space.Undo for delete all text.New symbols on the symbol input screen.Half width voiced sound mark.
Background images for each keys.Fixed some bugs.
Background images for each keys.Fixed some bugs.
Background images for each keys.New internet conversion dictionary.New conversion dictionary.Fixed some bugs.
変換辞書を更新しましたお気に入りの顔文字が変換候補に表示されやすくなりました本体をアップデートしたGalaxy S 7 edgeなど一部の端末で表示されない絵文字がある問題を修正しました国旗に用いるための絵文字を復元しましたキーボードの表示が遅くなってしまう問題を修正しましたSDカードを使ったバックアップと復元ができない問題を修正しました安定性の強化と細かい不具合の修正を行いましたお気に入り管理で一部のダイアログが正しく表示されない問題を修正しました
変換辞書を更新しましたお気に入りの顔文字が変換候補に表示されやすくなりました本体をアップデートしたGalaxy S 7 edgeなど一部の端末で表示されない絵文字がある問題を修正しました国旗に用いるための絵文字を復元しましたキーボードの表示が遅くなってしまう問題を修正しましたSDカードを使ったバックアップと復元ができない問題を修正しました安定性の強化と細かい不具合の修正を行いましたお気に入り管理で一部のダイアログが正しく表示されない問題を修正しました
Font is changable.Extra bold to bold.Flick guide color is changable.Fixed the bug.
動作速度を向上させ安定性を強化しましたサーバー上のAIを利用した検索サジェストの機能がつきましたAndroid 7.0未満で一部の絵文字が表示されない問題を修正しました本体のフォントを使用してキートップを表示するようになりました一部のカラーテーマの配色が見づらい問題を修正しましたキートップを太字にできるようになりました枠線がシンプルになって背景画像が見やすくなりました
キーボード表示毎にかな入力からスタートできる設定がつきました変換候補を1行にできる設定がつきましたAndroid 6.0以上での動作速度を改良記号入力切り替え時に入力モードが保持されるように変更キャリア絵文字が正しく表示されない問題を修正Samsung端末のクリップボードが隠れてしまう問題を修正Huawei P9 liteでMenuDialogの背景が透過されてしまう問題を修正背景動画か解除される事がある問題を修正縱橫で別々の背景画像を使えない問題を修正
Some bugs are fixed.
New no frame themes.
Improvement for battery comsumption.
New conversion dictionary.
Fixed the issue that there are not some emoji in some devices.